Try not to be jealous, but my husband and I are currently camping out in my childhood bedroom. Up until about a month ago, I regret I had not spent more than a week at a time in that room since the summer after my senior year in high school. And because I went to a boarding school, my bedroom began to serve as somewhat of a storage space throughout my high school and college years. Other than an occasional adolescent attempt to redecorate, my bedroom has become somewhat of an over-stuffed time capsule.
As you can imagine, there was lots to be done before my husband and I could unpack our suitcases and get temporarily settled here in my childhood home. Good thing I had lots of practice purging my belongings over the summer! My first few weeks in South Carolina were spent donating old prom dresses and text books and throwing out way too many awkward about a long walk down memory lane! But alas, my childhood bedroom can finally breath again, and so can we. Now it is time for the rest of the revival!
Right now this is home, but when we find a home of our own, this will become a beach retreat, so my goal is to bring the room from blah childhood bedroom to sophisticated sanctuary. The space should be an extension of its lush, natural surroundings and reflect the island community's philosophy of living in harmony with the habitat. I also want to continue to display some mementos and memories from my younger years, but in a more mature way...
Here is some of my inspiration:
by Meg Lonergran from LeSueur Interiors
see more photo of this room here!
Alan Henderson's (of Night Owl Paper Goods) Birmingham, Alabama home
Peter Dunham
via House Beautiful
Mark D. Sikes and Michael Griffin
via House Beautiful
via House Beautiful
Alfresco Emporium
Peter Dunham
Lauren Liess
via House Beautiful

Alan Henderson's (of Night Owl Paper Goods) Birmingham, Alabama home
Peter Dunham
via House Beautiful
Mark D. Sikes and Michael Griffin
via House Beautiful
via House Beautiful
Alfresco Emporium
Peter Dunham
via House Beautiful

What do you think?
Stay tuned for project and progress posts--if I get up the guts, I may even post some before pics ;) But in the meantime...
Stay tuned for project and progress posts--if I get up the guts, I may even post some before pics ;) But in the meantime...