
wishlist: fireplace

Today is the first truly cold day here in South Carolina, and I am secretly really excited about this, as I have been homesick for the seasons we had in Boston. There's nothing I want more than to curl up next to a fireplace, which is at the top of my wish list for our future home.

Upon meeting our realtor, I explained that--unlike the floorplan, or even the number of bedrooms--a fireplace is non-negotiable; I may have to give up some seasons (or some bedrooms!), but I refuse to give up my future fireplace!

I love the following stone fireplaces, but for our first home, I'll take what I can get! And I suppose a similar look can always be created down the line...

In the meantime, I will continue to curl up next to my computer with warm wishes for these fireplace finds:

Designer Carolyn Espley-Miller



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